Beth Potier

Beth Potier's Articles

  • Nutrition researcher Miriam Nelson
  • Researchers and aerospace industry representatives at UNH

    Not Rocket Science

    UNH’s first-ever Aerospace and Defense Technology Day on Nov. 4 was part open house, part show-and-tell, part speed dating — and, according to the organizers, full success. The day brought 70...
  • Cover Page of New England Food Vision

    Omnivore’s Delight

    With the annual Local Harvest Dinner as the jewel in its locavore crown, UNH is a national leader in bringing local food — some of it grown right here on campus — to the hungry mouths of its students.
  • Professor Kelley Thomas holding a large molecule model

    NIH Grant Boosts NH's Biomedical Research Capacity

    A five-year $18.1 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to a statewide partnership led by UNH and Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine will expand biomedical research capacity and...
  • Corinthian column
  • UNH/Nasa Launch Mission March 2015

    Inquiring Minds

        The Big Burp Theory Geologists drill for climate clues About 55 million years ago, the Earth burped up a massive release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere — an amount equivalent to burning...
  • Two researchers in front of a brightly colored screen depicting the seafloor

    More Than Mapping

    Since its founding in 1999, UNH’s Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM), along with the complementary Joint Hydrographic Center (a NOAA partner), has established itself as the world leader in...
  • UNH exercise scientist Summer Cook

    Strong Muscles, Fleet Feet

    Exercise scientist Summer Cook
  • Coach in motorboat calls to four women in rowing shell

    Crew Boss Rachel Rawlinson Named Northeast Region Coach of the Year

    Rachel Rawlinson '99, head coach of UNH Rowing, was named the Northeast Region Coach of the Year by the American Collegiate Rowing Association at its national championship regatta May 23 -24 in...
  • A (Nuclear) Force To Be Reckoned With

    A (Nuclear) Force To Be Reckoned With

    UNH physicist Patricia Solvignon has received a prestigious Early Career Research Program grant from the U.S. Department of Energy.
  • Serita Frey and graduate student Sarah Andrews

    The Dirt on Studio Soils

    In 2010, about a decade into teaching the large Introduction to Soils course, UNH soil scientist Serita Frey steered her class into uncharted territory. With inspiration from the physics department...
  • Cosmic Rays
  • An archipelago off the coast of Norway
  • students in medical gowns and masks

    For These UNH Students, It Is Rocket Science

    Long before it blasts into space March 12, the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission will have launched the careers of would-be rocket scientists who contributed to the mission as UNH...
  • Out of the Clinic, Out of the Box

    Out of the Clinic, Out of the Box

    As part of her training to become a practicing occupational therapist, Risa LaPera ’14,’15G talks to her client Dan, a retiree with vision loss due to glaucoma, through a radio headset. “You still...
  • Researcher with Kelp

    Kelp Is On the Way

    Seaweed has been on the menu for thousands of years, beloved particularly in Asia for packing a nutritional punch with the complex flavor of umami. Now, UNH researchers are hoping to tap locavore...
  • Students learning computer code

    Code Comfort

    Do you want to build a snowflake? If so, you’ll have to learn some code – but as nearly 40 elementary school children learned Friday afternoon (Dec. 12) at UNH, that’s not so hard. With ubiquitous “...
  • thanksgiving meal with students

    Turkey, Football, Snow

    Gathering together: From left, Ron Potier, father of the hostess; UNH graduate students Xiaoyi Tang and Shivam Goyal; host Brent Bell, associate professor of kinesiology at UNH; Kathy Potier, mother...
  • Nancy Kineer showers in safety shower

    Good, Clean (Safe) Fun: Professor Showers for Lab Safety

    Lab safety took a zany, soggy turn Tuesday, when the Environmental Research Group tapped Nancy Kinner, professor of civil and environmental engineering, for a hands-on demonstration of the emergency...
  • Erik Swartz


    When it comes to head and helmet safety, one of the NFL’s most valuable players isn’t a quarterback, a receiver, or even a coach. In fact, Erik Swartz isn’t a football player at all—the former rugby...
  • Republicans and Democrats

    In Science We Trust?

    Gun control. Abortion. The death penalty. You wouldn’t be alone in assuming that these are the hot-button issues that create the widest philosophical and political divide between Republicans and...
  • erik swartz on football field

    Keeping Their Heads OUT of the Game

    Once a week, several dozen UNH football players participate in an innovative, if counterintuitive, drill to minimize head trauma: They remove their helmets and tackle each other.
  • National Science Foundation Logo

    CAREER Builder: Three UNH Faculty Members Receive Prestigious Awards

    Three UNH faculty members have received prestigious National Science Foundation awards to support their work predicting earthquakes, recycling carbon dioxide into fuel and measuring methane bubbles.
  • Bobcat

    A Great Day To Be a Bobcat

    New Hampshire’s bobcats are on the rise — and on the move, showing up in places they’ve never been reported before. Those are the major findings from a four-year study of the animal that puts the “...
  • skier on mountain

    Green and White

    The rate of winter warming has tripled in the U.S. since 1970. The northern hemisphere has lost one million square miles of spring snowpack in the last 50 years. As many as half the ski resorts in...
  • memorial bridge at dusk

    It’s Alive!

    A new project led by UNH engineers will transform the Memorial Bridge over the Piscataqua River into a “living” bridge that could change the way we look at bridges and infrastructure in the near...
  • amanda parks

    Freshest Fish: Found!

    Amanda Parks gets dressed for some fishing. Looking for a seafood dinner that’s off-the-boat fresh? Wondering whether dogfish tastes better with butter or breadcrumbs? Thanks to senior Amanda Parks...
  • steve jones in boat with student

    The Oyster Is Their World

    Steve Jones, research associate professor of natural resources and the environment and a water quality specialist, samples Great Bay with Ph.D. student Meg Hartwick. Consider the gifts of the oyster...
  • Ryan Cassotto in Greenland

    Glacial Race

    Courtesy Photo It only sounds like a joke: When the world’s fastest-moving glacier sped up in the summer of 2012 – suddenly surging from Greenland’s west coast at four times its 1990s rate – UNH...
  • Erik Swartz

    UNH Professor Is NFL's MVP for Equipment Research

    When the NFL wanted to evaluate the impact of non-standard facemasks on player safety, they turned to UNH kinesiology professor Erik Swartz for the data. His findings led to the league’s much-...
  • tracey ellis

    Global OT

    As an occupational therapist, Tracey Ellis ’93 is trained to solve problems.  So when her Washington, D.C.-based Ellis Therapeutic Consultants began delivering occupational therapy (OT) to American...
  • students at research project site, collecting nitrogen through urine

    Reduce, Reuse, Peecycle

    Visitors to downtown Durham this spring might have noticed students sporting an unusual accessory: a sticker with a yellow droplet on it proclaiming "I donated my nitrogen." No personal sacrifice was...
  • local seafood

    Gone Fishin’

    On Wednesday, April 16 UNH will host its first Sustainable Seafood Dinner at Holloway Commons from 4:30 to 9:00 p.m. The dinner will highlight locally caught seafood and New England’s fishing...
  • sarah drumheller with patient

    A Step Ahead

    Student Sarah Drumheller and her internship supervisor Elizabeth Barbin talk with a patient at Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital.
  • Katey Stone '89

    Golden Opportunity

    Conversations with Katey Stone ’89 about her job—head coach for Harvard women’s ice hockey on hiatus to coach the U.S. women’s Olympic hockey team—are sprinkled with words like “fun,” “joy,” “...
  • ben claxton

    Pre-Med, With Feeling

    Why would anyone leave Chocolatetown, U.S.A., for a state that brags about granite? For Hershey, Penn., native Ben Claxton ’14, the lure was the lab. Specifically, the opportunity for the pre-med...
  • Jenny Jing

    Strawberry Fields...for Now

    Jenny Jing ’13 loves strawberries, and that’s a good thing. She’s worked in the lab of professor Tom Davis, a leading strawberry genetics researcher, for three years.
  • wind tunnel at UNH

    UNH Students Compete in Washington, D.C., With Innovative Wind Energy Project

    A University of New Hampshire student project seeking to harvest the wind energy from bridge underpasses has been selected to compete for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) People,...
  • Alltech Young Scientist logo

    UNH Student Wins Third Place in Science Competition

    A first-year student at the University of New Hampshire is a top-three United States finisher in an international science competition. Sarah Kremer ’15, an ecology, evolution, and behavior major from...
  • UNH equestrian team
  • UNH professor Will Clyde

    UNH Research Brings New Understanding to Past Global Warming Events

    A series of global warming events called hyperthermals that occurred more than 50 million years ago had a similar origin to a much larger hyperthermal of the period, the Pelaeocene-Eocene Thermal...
  • UNH equestrian team

    UNH Equestrians Win Regional Championships

    The University of New Hampshire's Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association (IHSA) team has won the team regional championship for the northern New England region for the second consecutive year,...
  • UNH students

    Resisting Hackers in a Single Keystroke

    Some of the world's wiliest hackers were no match for a team of University of New Hampshire computer science students that triumphed with a second-place finish at the 2012 Northeast Collegiate Cyber...
  • University of New Hampshire welcome sign
  • University of New Hampshire welcome sign

    ADVANCE Program Makes Awards to Women Faculty in the Sciences

    UNH Professors Serita Frey and Lynn Kistler are recipients of recent grants from the UNH ADVANCE program.
  • UNH faculty

    UNH Faculty Receive $1.3 Million in Prestigious NSF CAREER Grants

    Three University of New Hampshire faculty members will explore energy from the ocean, manufacturing on a tiny scale, and speedier computer planning, thanks to prestigious Faculty Early Career...
  • Mariana Trench

    UNH Ocean Scientists Shed New Light on Mariana Trench

    Map view of bathymetry of southern Mariana Trench Challenger Deep area. Arrow points to circle that identifies the location of the deepest sounding in the trench (10,994 meters). White contours are...
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